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The most adorable Festive penguin, Pootle is the latest addition to the Sewyeah Magical Menagerie. A must have for everyone who enjoys the enchanting and creative work of Christine Leech. 


The Kit contains everything you need to make your very own 15cm tall Pootle The Penguin. It's a great project for those of you who are looking for something a little different to a normal piece of embroidery hoop art, and have done a bit of embroidery before. The kit comes with a detailed  A5 full colour booklet with step by step photographs, stitch guide and a set of extra templates to you can make more penguins to add to your huddle (one of the many cute collective nouns for penguins!)


Pootle is a baby Emperor Penguin, with waddling feet and a shiny black beak. He is embroidered with a tasteful Christmas Jumper inspired pattern and the addition of beads and sequins make him look like he's got a little frosty bottom.  His little felt earmuffs help keep him warm, or maybe he;s listening to his favourite audiobook! 


The kit contains

Pre-cut 100% wool felt penguin parts with matching threads for sewing up your penguin

An embroidery needle and a smaller needle for the beads.

A sequin and bead mixed pack for the sparkles

A selection of DMC embroidery threads including metallic and neon. 

A pokey stick to help with stuffing

An a5 fullcolour instruction booklet. 

A felt ball for the ear muffs.

Dried lavender (a natural moth repellant to add to the stuffing)


All you will need to provide to create your penguin are embroidery scissors and  stuffing - I recommend using scrap fabric; such as old socks, clothes, sheets rather than toy stuffing as it gives a better weight to the finished penguin (and is better for the planet!!)


The price includes free UK P&P. (2nd class) Postage to other countires will be calculated at checkout. These kits are made to order so will be posted within a week of your order and last post will be December the 15th.





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